August Report

Hello folks,

September ist nearing fast so it's time for an update on this game. I started using TileMaps as a replacement for the complete free placed Sprites. As many before me I quickly realized that tiles are giving me a massive gain in development performance. So I decided to continue using them for buildings and scenery, the machines and workers will still be placed freely. Currently I am working on a way to display the content of each card directly in each scene. I found a proper solution that will finish in September.

Alpha 3 contains these issues:

  1. Test tile based contract
  2. Display Inventory only if cards on it

What's next:

After finishing the in-scene placement of cards I will start focussing on introducing materials (needed for construction) and the transportation of them. Later this year i will start creating a big scenario with dozens of different contracts and a world map.

I'm really interested what you think of the game, I've already got a handful of downloads but no feedback yet, let me know if you have any.

Greetings ClayManZ

Files 14 MB
Version 4 Aug 30, 2019 13 MB
Version 4 Aug 30, 2019

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